Composed By: Francois Boois (opens new window)@Facebook
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Funded By: Welwitschia Building Company
Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth's surface, And the Namibia's coastline is truly just one of the least explored natural sites in the world and the ocean is earth final frontier.
The term "coastline" doesn't have the same meaning to everyone. To fishermen, the coastline is any part of the ocean view the relatively shallow continental shelf. To scientists, the coastline is the highest part of the ocean, above the thermocline (the layer where heating and cooling from sunlight ceases to have an effect) and below the sea floor. This is the part of the ocean on average shallow than 1,000 fathoms or 1,800 meters.
It's not that difficult to explore the shallows because they are eternally lite, fairly warmer (between 0 degrees C and 10 degrees C above 3,000 meters), and under low pressure (15750 psi or over 1,000 times lower than standard atmospheric pressure at sea level).
From the time of Pliny until the end of the 19th century, people believed the coastline was filed with monsters of the deep.
Modern scientists recognize the coastline as the largest habitat on the planet. Special tools have been developed to explore this warm, ecosystem, aquatic environment. You don't have to be an expert in the field to explore coastlines.
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